Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tuesday Blues

Here it is early February and summer seems like another planet. It's supposed to rain today, 56 degrees in the middle of winter? I wouldn't mind a snow storm, they're fun to drive in.
I guess I'll go out and do some food shopping and see if I can pickup some organic tomato seeds at Home Depot.
Gotta get busy.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's Time

Here I am in my own little corner of the world (electronic corner) it's Super-bowl Sunday morning, and I'm writing to this little blog that probably no one has read, or will read for that matter.
But, be that as it may, I believe with all my heart that we are in the right place at the right time. We are in a position to make history and effect change in this country, just as we've changed the course of communism ('Mr Gorbachev, tear down that wall!') and stormed into other countries with no formal declaration of war i.e., Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq. We are poised to be able to gut this bloated federal government and kick the same old lazy beaurocrats out from behind their moldy desks. I think people are tired of being taxed to death, and being repeatedly raped by the banks and their revolving credit. This top heavy healthcare system that has turned patients into customers, and doctors into CEOs. People, take to the streets and re-inform the politicians and the Federal Government, that they are where they are because of US! They are public servants employed by the majority, US! And where I come from, majority rules!
People have become so complacent and willing to be lead by their eyeballs. They believe the news, and the newspapers, we believe that this government and its agencies have our best interests at heart. Wake up people, and behold the rapist that wears red, white and blue. This country that sends brave men and women to their deaths, or renders them maimed, and mentally scarred for the rest of their lives. For what? Democracy? So they (other countries) can have what we have?
This government needs to be taken by the neck and shook to its knees, it needs to remember who it works for, the tail has been wagging the dog for too long.
Now, give me back my bullets, I have work to do. This is super Sunday for reasons more important. 
Don't lose track of who you are America!    

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Election 2008

The Federal Government has sacked the social security trust fund for almost two-trillion dollars, yes, that's trillion with a "T". We are a debtor nation, we owe other countries more than they owe us. Washington borrowed from the s.s. pool to pay off interest on the debt, just interest, not principal. Social security will be broke by 2017, nothing there for us, so don't count on it.

Check out this documentary: "Ralph Nader: An unreasonable man" I always thought he was sort of a whistle blowing nerd who ran the "Green Party" but this documentary does a great job of showing his true character. I have a lot of new found respect for a man who is a true public servant, never married, just married to his work as a consumer advocate. Who else in the last 40-years has that kind of devotion to the common welfare of his fellow man?
Have a great weekend. 

Friday, February 1, 2008

sites and sounds

Hey, check out these movies and sites.
"The Future of Food" thefutureoffood.com
"No end in Sight"
"Sweet Misery: A poisoned World"

Anarchy or Bust...

I guess anarchy would be a harsh choice, and maybe a futile one at this point, because with the     
patriot act in force, we'd probably be thrown in jail and never heard from again.
Speaking of the patriot act, did you know that under the guise of homeland security, authorities may approach you and confiscate any money or property such as your car and home. This can be done to anyone living in America, and you don't have to be charged with any crime. You wouldn't have to even be arrested. You'd have to file suit with the federal government and the process can take up to two years to have everything returned. Did you know you can be incarcerated for an unlimited amount of time without being arrested, or charged with a crime. Also, you can be denied any contact with an attorney, or the legal system. We are rapidly becoming a police state. Stalinist Russia, and Nazi Germany began the same way. This may sound melodramatic but it parallels the course of history very closely.
Keep in mind that Congress keeps themselves exempt from virtually every law they pass.