Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Achievement Files

Does anyone really believe that the cure for cancer is here already? The cure for AIDS, and many other diseases, including premature aging and obesity, diabetes, it's all here but repressed.
By whom, you might ask?
By regulatory bureaucracies including but not limited to: The F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration)
They have what is called: Achievement Files, that block most major breakthroughs in medicine.
By putting tough regulations on business and technology progress. It builds a name and creates a "reason" for those politically ambitious bureaucrats to be where they are. It gives these regulatory commissions a reason to suck up more taxpayer money, keeping the general population under their collective thumbs.

Do you really think these Federal Agencies have your best interests at heart? You have to ask yourself this question and really let it sink in.

Most of our establishment leaders do the same thing. They don't put values into society. They use non-sequitors like: "For the good of the people" "For God and Country" "We will realize our dreams together." They care about looking important and needed. They destroy values, and we employ them, people forget that these boneheads work for us!
They build achievement files that boost their political futures. Why can't people see through these deceptions of 'protecting the public' and understand their uselessness?

Macdonalds spent $500 million last year on their "We Love To See You Smile" campaign. They love to see you get fatter, and super-size your order. Bring the whole family in for a good ole suicide dinner, and they will watch you smile because they love it. By all rights, shouldn't our protective FDA be warning us of deadly fast-food and all the poison chemicals in your shampoos and household cleaners?Shouldn't they? Isn't that what we pay them for?
What about the politicians and their platforms du-jour?

Who's watching Monsanto as they slowly control the worlds food supply? Why don't our informed politicians stand on that platform? Is it because some former Monsanto executives are in high level positions within the FDA? And some former FDA employees now sit on the board at Monsanto reaping huge paychecks for a job well done? What about all genetic engineering of corn and soy?
Why was de-regulation passed in the late 1980s to allow Monsanto to push their chemicals onto the nation's dairy farmers to increase milk supply? Posilac was the BGH (bovine growth hormone) that is in the milk your family drinks today. Monsanto even sued the Oakhurst Dairy in Maine just because they advertised that Posilac was not used on their farm. Can you believe it?!

Who is watching the watchers?

The perfect society as described by Socrates, the main character of the work, relies on laborers, slaves and tradesmen. The guardian class is to protect the city. The question is put to Socrates, "Who will guard the guardians?" or, "Who will protect us against the protectors?". Plato's answer to this is that "They will guard themselves against themselves. We must tell the guardians a noble lie. The noble lie will inform them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege, they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it."

Without bureaucrats and their self-serving agendas then business and science could race toward definitive cures for heart disease, cancer, for all disease large and small. We would stop using all these synthetic drugs that the drug companies push on us day and night. Drugs that treat symptoms not causes. Drugs that cause other problems and the need for more drugs.
Wake up people, before it's too late.

Millions of lives are lost every year so that a small clique of file-building, promotion seeking employees of ours within the federal government can keep their illusions of looking important and being needed!
The FDA is just one agency that should be scorned from existence. Free science, business, and medicine in the name of life.

No one paid me a dime. To your health America.


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