Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Don't Take My Word For It, Ask My Colon.

Actually my colon can't talk, but if he could (I'm calling it a 'he' because I am) he'd tell you he feels like a new man, because I do too!
How? You might be thinking, or asking out loud. Well, it's because of a new organic product I've been taking for the last month and a half. It's called: In-liven Probiotic Super-Food and it's certified organic. It's what they call a nutrient saturation formula.
If you've ever taken an anti-biotic in your life, than you have successfully killed off all of the bacteria in your entire digestive tract, including the good bacteria.
Now, at the risk of bogging down in boring terminology that I hardly understand myself, I'll try to cut to the chase scene.

In-Liven is the product of over twenty-years of research and development. The 13 strains of lactobacillus bacteria (inside In-Liven) are produced from fruits and veggies and are not genetically engineered. It contains significant enzymes, vital amino acids and a broad spectrum of essential nutrients, including 26 carefully selected living whole foods from 100% organic sources rich in phyto-nutrients. These are what help re-colonise the intestinal flora, restoring proper balance. It eliminates "unfriendly" bacteria and counteracts medical and food-chain anti-biotic damage. It also greatly enhances the immune function, in other words, it puts the lead back in your pencil baby!

If you've tried the others before, give this stuff a shot and I'm sure you'll agree.

Almost 100-years ago, Russian born, Ilya Mechnikov, bacteriologist, and 1908 Nobel Laureate stated: "Death begins in the colon." He was the one that coined the term, "Pro-biotic" to describe friendly bacteria. He documented lengthy life-spans of several societies that practiced eating fermented foods and special bacterial cultures called kefirs. It is now common knowledge that up to 90% of all known human illness can be traced back to an unhealthy colon!

This In-Liven product is fairly expensive at a retail cost of about $60.00, but all you need is a teaspoon of the powder once a day. It's cheaper than a $1500.00 a day hospital stay, or chemo treatments. I take it in the morning and mix it with a little spring water. It looks like a dark green mixture of pond-water, and it isn't the greatest tasting stuff, but that's why I like it so much. It's not candy coated and pretending to be a milkshake. You can order it straight from Australia, and the sight has over 50 different organic skin-care and cosmetic products as well.

There is much more info on the site about this and many other products too.
Thanks for listening to my colon!

The site is: http://www.gillfinn.mionegroup.com

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