Sunday, April 27, 2008

Public AWARE-ness

The Neocheaters 

What are they up to?

Career politicians by their very nature stand for nothing more than their own political futures. As soon as they attain the office of their desire, they begin the process of campaigning for reelection.
Essentially they are being funded by taxpayer money to attain the future of THEIR dreams, certainly not ours. If Elliot Spitzer had not been caught, then he'd still be pursuing his hobbies while in the office of his dreams.

If not for force backed taxation, do you think that any American in his or her right mind would continue to pay taxes? I doubt it. People are used to paying for services or products that they desire. Are you happy with the level of service your state, local, and federal government are giving you?
The CID, or criminal investigation division within the IRS, enforces the collection of federal income taxes. They carry guns and have every right to enter your home and confiscate your property and sell off your assets for failure to pay your taxes. They will attach loan-shark interest rates that may take the rest of your life to pay back.

The taxes are used to pay politicians and fund government programs and agencies. In recent decades there has not been one government funded research group that has ever come up with a cure for any disease. They are in the business of securing grants that keep their directors comfortably employed for years. It's a little like sitting in front of a wall-safe spinning the numbers hoping for the combination to eventually be stumbled upon.

The politicians create multiple illusions that keep the masses believing in their need to be where they are. They are a burden on advancing technology through the creation of regulatory agencies. They use an endless string of non-sequiturs like: "for the good of mankind" " for god and country" "to better our society". Do they really make this country/world a better place? I would be happy to stop paying for their service. I'd be happy to find something else to do with my "tax" money, like save it for my retirement.
The president talks of his economic stimulus package like it's the best thing since sliced bread. Isn't that like a bully taking your candy-bar, then breaking off a tiny pea-sized piece and handing it back to you? We're supposed to be happy about getting back a miniscule portion of what's already been taken from us?

How about no taxes and all you politicians going to work for a living, creating some value or service that someone might really want to pay for instead of taking it from us by force.
Democrats and republicans are two fingers attached to the same hand. The political system is a flawed system filled with mysticism and illusion. It is nothing but bad theater that we are forced to pay for. The Wizard of Oz told more truth about what goes on in Washington, they don't want us to pay attention to that "little man behind the curtain."

I'm getting tired of paying into a bottomless pit of leaches and parasites draining the life out of their own country. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

"Our fellow citizens have been led hoodwinked from their principles by a most extraordinary combination of circumstances. But the band is removed, and they now see for themselves." --Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 1801. ME 10:217
"Whenever our affairs go obviously wrong, the good sense of the people will interpose and set them to rights." --Thomas Jefferson to David Humphreys, 1789. ME 7:322

There is no time like the present.

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