Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Big List

What's good, what's bad
Ok my friends, I’m going to make it simple. I’ll give you two lists, one list we’ll call: "The Clean 15" and the other we’ll call: "The Dirty Dozen"
The dirty dozen are foods you should only consume if they’re organic, no if ands or buts. They are foods that are full of synthetic toxins, pesticides etc... that is the truth and there’s no getting around it.

Here we go.

The Dirty Dozen: Most all of these are loaded with Methyl bromide (think cancer)

*All bell peppers

The clean 15: These you can feel good about buying, because for whatever reasons they are not susceptible to insect infestations so they aren’t treated with toxic chemicals. Here they are:

*Shelling Peas
*Sweet corn
*Domestic Watermelons

The FDA will never show you this list because of the huge companies like Monsanto that have been quietly buying up all the seed companies so they can patent the genetic engineering of these seeds. They have a monstrous lobby in Washington, but that’s another story for another day.
Check out,

Stay off any sites ending in .gov because they simply don’t tell the truth.

Happy health kids, and remember, I didn’t make a dime from sharing today.

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