Thursday, May 8, 2008

Death Begins In The Colon

Death Begins In The Colon

The title was a statement made almost 100-years ago by Nobel Laureate, Ilya Mecknikov in 1908. It was taken from his groundbreaking book “Prolongation Of Life”. He coined the term “probiotic” to describe friendly bacteria.
His research created a direct link between human longevity and the necessity of maintaining a healthy balance of probiotics in the body.

Your digestive system is the true engine in your body. When you’re eating healthy foods, a well-conditioned digestive tract distributes good living bacteria throughout your intestines.
Bacteria are at the base of all life on this planet. They were the first life and they will be the last. Absolutely no living thing on earth can survive without them.
They support our first line of defense, our immune system. As toxin levels rise in your body due to improper diet, over the counter drugs, prescribed drugs, vaccines, and all kinds of chemicals we’re exposed to on a daily basis, your immune system and other mission critical processes in your body become compromised and begin to fail.
Warning signs of bacteria imbalance are as follows.

*Difficulty losing weight sugar/carb cravings
*Frequent fatigue, poor concentration
*Frequent constipation, or diarrhea
*Sleeping poorly, or night sweats
*Painful joint inflammation and or stiffness
*Odd fungal growths beneath the toenails
*Bad breath, gum disease and dental problems.
*Frequent colds, flu, or infections
*Chronic yeast problems, candida
*Acne, eczema, skin fungus
*Extreme menstrual, or menopausal symptoms
*Allergies and food sensitivities

As you can see, the warning signs are all-encompasing and frequently misdiagnosed, which can lead to prescribing a drug to treat the symptom, but not the cause.

The proprietary strains of probiotics in In-liven have been developed and perfected to deliver their benefits, in spite of interference from toxins.
In-liven is a certified organic probiotic nutrient saturation formula. It contains a broad spectrum of LIVING nutrients, not isolated synthetic (manmade) nutrients. Twenty-six certified organic living whole foods, 13 lactobacillus bacteria, 18 amino acids, that provide the necessary materials to assist the body’s natural immune system.

Bacteria produce enzymes that identify, digest and deliver nutrients where they need to go. Your body has tens of trillions of cells, each of which needs 100,000 enzymes to function correctly. It is enzymes that are responsible for every metabolic process in your body.

If there is a deficit of friendly (probiotic) bacteria in the human gut, then there will be a lack of enzymes.
Without the enzymes, vital nutrients go unused. The lack of nutrient uptake is at the heart of most disorders of the human body. You can consume the most beneficial foods and nutrients in the world, but if you can’t digest and assimilate them, than everything is lost.

Here is a list of what kills bacteria in the body.

*Antibiotics, if you’ve taken them just once in your life, you’ve killed all healthy bacteria and left the negative candida.
*Birth control pills
*Steroidal/hormonal drugs
*Fluoride, abundant in drinking water and toothpaste.
*Chlorine, drinking water from tap.
*Carbonated drinks
*Man-made vitamins
*Synthetic ascorbic acid
*Stress (big killer)

By certain ages and varying health factors, most of us have lost our ability to digest nutrients. Without the probiotic bacteria to produce enzymes we lose the ability for building and repair of the body. The environment goes from naturally alkaline, to acidic, creating a dangerous breakdown of the immune system.
It is a fact that disease, including cancer, begins within an acidic environment. Don’t ignore warning signs, you know your own body. Why wait until you’re sick? Be proactive and help your body help you.

When taken daily, In-liven saturates the body in naturally occurring amino acids. Amino acids also provide the building blocks for most of the hormones, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and other information chemicals that regulate and control all communication in every cell of our body.

The strongest bacteria will always kill the weaker ones. Further, bacteria compete for food sources. So if you are taking probiotic supplements that contain (if any) one, two, or even four lactobacillus, and no food source with it, then these new bacteria will only deplete good and bad bacteria as they compete to survive.
It’s like going of on a long hiking and camping trip with no tent, tools, or food.
It is crucial to supply all 13 key lactobacillus members along with the foods they like to eat. Think about how much sense this makes.
Then they work in harmony as a powerful unit to balance the populations of pathogenic (harmful) bacteria in the body.

The In-Liven supplemental bacterium work synergistically to manufacture over 6,000 additional substrains of healthful bacteria that work in your body. Without this proper balance of bacteria, all manner of physical disease manifests itself. The body has a fantastic ability to heal itself, friendly bacteria prolong a healthy life.

Read more about In-Liven at the website. Thank you for reading, and good luck with your new body!


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