Friday, May 16, 2008

In-liven Probiotics

Facts about Lactobacillus bacteria
We are exposed to numerous pollutants in our everyday lives:lead,
mercury,cadmium (plus over 4500 toxic heavy metal by-products),
drugs,vaccines and a host of other dangers are wreaking havoc in
our bodies.
As our toxin levels rise, our immune system and other critical
processes in our body become dangerously compromised and
begin to fail.
“Death begins in the colon”
Ilya Mechnikov – Nobel Laureate
The secret to good health lies in the friendly bacteria in
the intestinal tract.
Lactobacillus bacteria form a significant part of the natural intestinal
flora. Large populations of this, and other lactic acid producing
bacteria, regulate the levels of friendly bacteria and reduce the
levels of toxic pathogens that cause ill health.
Lactic acid producing lactobacilli bacteria alter the pH of the large
intestine, making it inhospitable to undesirable bacteria, moulds,
mould spores and yeast,particularly Candida.Putrefactive bacteria,
which are potentially detrimental to good health and increase foul
wind production,are inhibited by acidic conditions in the colon.
The presence of active bacteria in the gut can aid the digestive
process by helping to break down foods.To attain the health benefits
attributed to Lactobacilli fermented foods, live active bacteria need
to be consumed on a regular basis.It is believed
the life span in the human body of these
cells is 3 to 10 days.Only the active forms
have the ability to tolerate the acidity of
the stomach and the alkalinity of the
intestine to produce health benefits.
Bacteria counts and their credibility
There is a lot of confusion in the marketplace in relation to the
abundance or “count” of bacteria in various probiotic products.
Many companies are claiming that their products have “billions”
more bacteria than other products to gain a marketing edge.This is
very misleading for the consumer and, in reality, is little more than
sales hype.
Bacteria live and work in colonies.In scientific terms these colonies
are called, Colony-Forming Units (CFU’s). Some companies
intentionally shake the colonies apart, separating the CFU’s, to
increase the bacteria count of their products, which is misleading
to consumers.
The reproduction ability of the bacteria in the gut is the
single most important factor in a probiotic product.
The bacteria must be in their natural state and alive so that once
they arrive in the gut they can multiply and produce all the sub-
strains necessary to maintain a healthy intestinal flora.
To ensure that the bacteria are in a natural organic state and have
not been tampered with or altered in any way it should be certified
organic. In-Liven has been certified organic by the ACO (Australian
Certified Organic),Australia’s largest certifying body.
Common warning signs of a bacterial imbalance
• Allergies and food sensitivities
• Difficulty losing weight, sugar/carbohydrate craving
• Frequent fatigue, poor concentration
• Frequent constipation or diarrhoea
• Faulty digestion, acid reflux and other gut disorders
• Sleeping poorly, night sweats
• Painful joint inflammation, stiffness
• Bad breath, gum disease and dental problems
• Frequent colds, flu or infections
• Chronic yeast problems
• Acne, eczema skin and foot fungus
• Extreme menstrual or menopausal symptoms
Research has shown that Lactobacilli bacteria:
• Reduce cholesterol in the blood.
• Increase nutrient assimilation,including calcium.
• Reduce high blood pressure.
• Assist in the elimination of ailments such as colon irritation,
constipation,diarrhoea and acne.
• Retard yeast infections.
• Strengthen the immune system.
• Manufacture and assimilate B complex vitamins (which include
niacin,biotin,folic acid,riboflavin and B12).
• Help digest proteins,carbohydrates and fats.
• Produce natural anti-bacterial agents (antibiotics).
• Produce cancer or tumour suppressing compounds.
• Control the pH or acidity-alkaline levels in the intestines.
• Reduce unhealthy bacteria in the intestinal tract.
• Detoxify poisonous materials in the diet.
• Detoxify hazardous chemicals added to foods,such as nitrates.
Things that kill bacteria in the body
Birth control pills
Steroidal & hormonal drugs
Carbonated drinks
Synthetic vitamins
Stop by the website to read more on this amazing product.

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