Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shouldn't GMO Food Be Labeled

What's a GMO?

A GMO (genetically modified organism), also know as a GE (genetically engineered) or transgenic organism, is created by scientists in a laboratory where they insert genes into an organism to create new traits. In the United States, GMOs are not labeled. They are in over 75% of processed supermarket foods in ingredients like soy lecithin, canola, corn syrup, and cotton seed oil.

  • Genetic engineering is completely different from traditional breeding. In traditional breeding it is possible to mate a pig with another pig to get a new variety, but is not possible to mate a pig with a potato or a mouse. Even when species that may seem to be closely related do succeed in breeding, the offspring are usually infertile—a horse, for example, can mate with a donkey, but the offspring (a mule) is sterile.
  • With genetic engineering, scientists can breach species barriers set up by nature. For example, they have spliced fish genes into tomatoes.
  • Other examples of genetic engineering experiments that have already been done include:
  • Spider/Goat – taking a gene from a spider that leads to the production of spider web and putting it into goats so the goats can then be milked for the spider web protein.
  • Fish/Strawberries – taking a gene from an Arctic flounder and putting it into a strawberry to try to make it frost-resistant.
  • Corn/Human – taking a human gene and putting it into corn so that the corn contains human antibodies that attack sperm. The idea is to develop the corn as a plant-gel contraceptive that kills sperm on contact.

GMOs grown in Hawaii?

Hawaii has more experimental field trials of genetic engineering than any other state in the nation. Just a few of the many examples of permits granted for field trials include:

    • Corn engineered with human genes (Dow)
    • Sugarcane engineered with human genes (Hawai‘i Agriculture Research Center)
    • Corn engineered with jellyfish genes (Stanford University)
    • Tobacco engineered with lettuce genes (University of Hawai‘i)
    • Rice engineered with human genes (Applied Phytologics)
    • Corn engineered with hepatitis virus genes (Prodigene)1

    What is a gene?

    Every plant and animal is made of cells, each of which has a center called a nucleus. Inside every nucleus there are strings of DNA, half of which is normally inherited from the mother and half from the father. Short sequences of DNA are called genes. These genes operate in complex networks that are finely regulated to enable the processes of living organisms to happen in the right place and at the right time.

    How is genetic engineering done?

    Because living organisms have natural barriers to protect themselves against the introduction of DNA from a different species, genetic engineers have to find ways to force the DNA from one organism into another. These methods include:

    • Using viruses or bacteria to "infect" animal or plant cells with the new DNA.
    • Using electric shocks to create holes in the membrane covering sperm, and then forcing the new DNA into the sperm through these holes.
    • Injecting the new DNA into fertilized eggs with a very fine needle.
    • Coating DNA onto tiny metal pellets, and firing it with a special

    Is genetic engineering precise?

    The technology of genetic engineering is currently very crude. It is not possible to insert a new gene with any accuracy, and the transfer of new genes can disrupt the finely controlled network of DNA in an organism.

    Current understanding of the way in which DNA works is extremely limited, and any change to the DNA of an organism at any point can have side effects that are impossible to predict or control. The new gene could, for example, alter chemical reactions within the cell or disturb cell functions. This could lead to instability, the creation of new toxins or allergens, and changes in nutritional value.

    For example, when genetically engineered salmon were compared to normal salmon, it was found that the genetic engineering unexpectedly increased the amount of a protein identified as a major food allergen. In another case, Australian researchers reported in November 2005 that after 10 years spent developing a genetically engineered pea they had to abandon project after they found out that the altered peas caused lung inflammation and other adverse effects in mice. "The reaction of the mice…might reflect something that would happen to humans," said deputy chief of CSIRO plant industry T. J. Higgins.

    This last paragraph is the most disturbing in my opinion. This entire process of altering the natural order of something as fundamental as food seems borderline deadly.

    Why do genetically engineered foods have antibiotic resistant genes in them?

    The techniques used to transfer genes have a very low success rate, so the genetic engineers attach "marker genes" that are resistant to antibiotics to help them to find out which cells have taken up the new DNA. These marker genes are resistant to antibiotics that are commonly used in human and veterinary medicine. Some scientists believe that eating GE food containing these marker genes could encourage gut bacteria to develop antibiotic resistance.

    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    Silent Spring

    When Rachel Carson wrote her groundbreaking book, "Silent Spring," she probably did have a good idea just how prophetic the book would be when it was released in 1962.
    She was disturbed by the reckless use of synthetic (man-made) chemical pesticides being used after World War II.
    The chemical industry as well as some in government branded her an alarmist. She finally testified before congress and lobbied them to call for new policies to protect human health and the environment.

    One of her most important discoveries was what is known today as, bio-magnification. At Clear Lake, California, in order to control the pesky gnat (relative of the mosquito) authorities used an insecticide, DDD, a relative of DDT, in a diluted form of one part, to 70 million parts of water. At first the gnats were brought under control, but then their numbers increased. Again the lake was sprayed, but this time, the ratio was increased to one in 50 million parts of water.
    In the winter after the first treatment, hundreds of birds were found dead. Again, the winter after the second treatment, many more birds were found dead.

    After examination of the fatty tissues of some of the birds was studied, it was reported they contained alarming levels of DDD. The levels though, were much higher than what was ever put into the water. Researchers realized that the chemical was taken in by the smallest life forms, concentrated, then passed to the next higher form of life. This had gotten to the point until it reached the enormous levels found in the dead birds.

    No trace of DDD was found in the water. But because the chemicals do not biodegrade, they are absorbed into the bodies of life that the lake supports. Worse still, the DDD had been passed up the food chain. This is why we still find chemicals in our food today, particularly in root vegetables and fish. After 23 months, the plankton from the lake still had chemicals in it. All birds, fish , and frogs examined showed contamination as well.

    DDD was added at very low concentrations 0.02ppm, yet plankton contained 5ppm, a multiplication of 250. Plant eating fish had been found to contain 40-300ppm, and carnivorous species of fish stored a massive, 2,500ppm, a bio-magnification of 125,000!
    It has been found that these compounds can bio-magnify through the food chain many millions of times, and we are at the top of that food-chain.

    The sad thing about these man-made chemical compounds is that it takes many years for us to discover what will really happen, and non of it is positive. This is a science that uses society for profit and experimentation. Given recent introduction of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) into the agricultural supply chain. Pressure has been brought against the FDA to force companies to label foods that contain GMOs, but so far they have resisted. Their reason? Because so far there is no proof that GMOs have caused any problems, but there is no contrasting proof in the other direction either.
    We are the only country in the world that does not require the labeling. The last country to require labeling was in 2000, and I believe it was Russia. I will follow up for sure and let you know.

    Árpád Pusztai, considered by many to be the leading expert on GM foods, was silenced with threats of a lawsuit after he unexpectedly discovered that rats fed an experimental GM food developed immune system damage and other serious health problems in just ten days. Pusztai later reviewed an industry-sponsored study and found that seven of forty rats fed a GM crop died within two weeks; others developed stomach lesions. The crop was approved without further tests.

    We will take a look at GMO food in another article out next and you'll be surprised at what we find.
    Keep your eyes and ears open, but not in front of your TV set.

    Tuesday, May 20, 2008

    The Pros of Probiotics

    Historically, until about five years ago, probiotics were considered only within the realm of complementary and alternative medicine. As our understanding of the immune system and how it works has expanded, so has the understanding of the importance of probiotics and probiotic microbes in the gastrointestinal track in regulating the immune system.

    Today, the world of probiotics is emerging on the cutting-edge of mainstream medicine.
    Antibiotics and probiotics.
    We inadvertently kill off the good microbes in our body with antibiotics. Since antibiotics are necessary for killing the bad microbes that cause some diseases, they are important for helping to keep people healthy. However, the side effect to taking antibiotics is the elimination of the good microbes within our body along with the bad ones.

    We’re now finding that eliminating all the good microbes from our body results in a weaker immune system, which we believe is leading to problems such as increased incidence of chronic disease, including allergies like asthma. Once you take antibiotics as your physician prescribed, follow it with some form of probiotic supplement to get the microflora in your gut back to where it should be. Your recovery and your health will be much greater.

    Since probiotic microbes do not cause disease, there’s no such thing as having too much of them.
    New products are coming on the market to specifically support probiotic health. Typically, these are fermented dairy products in which companies have added one or two types of highly concentrated probiotic bacteria.

    Many diseases have an immunologic basis, so we want to understand the good communication that goes on between the microbes and the immune system,” he says.

    Probiotics and obesity.
    Another emerging topic of research examines a possible link between probiotics and obesity, and a number of researchers around the country are starting to look at this connection.

    Probiotics and the gut microflora play a role in metabolism – it’s a connection that’s been known in the agriculture industry for years.
    Agriculture experts quickly note that sick livestock gained weight when dosed with antibiotics. Which lead to the industry practice of routinely rotating various low-dose antibiotics in livestock feed. The antibiotics actually change the metabolism of the animals, creating something called “enhanced feed efficiency” – an improved ability to retain fat.

    We take the antibiotics to recover from a microbial illness, but the trade-off is that fat we eat may be staying with us instead of being metabolized and converted to energy.

    Antibiotics are important for fighting disease and should always be taken according to physician recommendations. However, making a point of eating dairy products rich in probiotic microbes and foods that provide nutrition for the probiotics will help these microbes prevent immune system and metabolic problems. To your health!

    Monday, May 19, 2008

    Bronner Organic Lawsuit

    A long-simmering dispute over the definition of organic personal care products boiled over into court Monday, when Dr. Bronner’s
    Magic Soaps filed a lawsuit charging many of its competitors with deceptively marketing their soaps and lotions. The lawsuit - filed
    in San Francisco Superior Court - targeted many widely known cosmetic manufacturers including Estee Lauder, Kiss My Face,
    Hain Celestial and Stella McCartney America. It also named smaller firms such as Mill Valley-based Juice Beauty. In the suit,
    Dr. Bronner’s accused the firms of false advertising by labelling products “organic” that contain relatively little organic material, that
    contain synthetic chemicals, or that use petrochemicals in processing.
    “This is the corrosive marketing of the cosmetics industry that hollowed out the meaning of ‘natural’ and now is doing the same
    with ‘organic’,” said David Bronner, president of the 60-year-old company.
    The lawsuit is evidence of the growing clout of green consumers, particularly in the arena of personal care products. Sales of
    natural body care products grew from $499 million in 2004 to $685 million in 2006 - an increase of 37 percent, according to the
    consumer products research firm Mintel.
    Chasing consumers
    Both large and small companies have been wooing eco-minded consumers, with big corporations including Estee Lauder
    acquiring brands such as Aveda that market themselves as natural or organic. At the same time, though, there are no federal
    regulations governing either natural or organic personal care products.
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture sets strict standards for organic food. But it doesn’t have a similar standard for soaps,
    shampoos and cosmetics. Some firms like Dr. Bronner’s have voluntarily adopted the USDA’s organic food standard for their
    body care products, which requires that 95 percent of the ingredients be organic if a product is to call itself organic. Some other
    firms like Juice Beauty adhere to California’s standard for organic body care products, which is less demanding than the USDA
    food standard. And still other firms simply label their body care products organic without trying to meet any external guidelines.
    Who decides what’s organic?
    Among the issues raised in the suit are whether organic personal care products must contain a certain percentage of organic
    ingredients, whether they may contain petrochemicals and whether they may contain synthetic preservatives. An OASIS
    spokeswoman declined to comment on the lawsuit because she hadn’t yet seen it, but denied trying to mislead anyone.
    Meanwhile, some companies questioned Dr. Bronner’s right to define organic.

    Friday, May 16, 2008

    In-liven Probiotics

    Facts about Lactobacillus bacteria
    We are exposed to numerous pollutants in our everyday lives:lead,
    mercury,cadmium (plus over 4500 toxic heavy metal by-products),
    drugs,vaccines and a host of other dangers are wreaking havoc in
    our bodies.
    As our toxin levels rise, our immune system and other critical
    processes in our body become dangerously compromised and
    begin to fail.
    “Death begins in the colon”
    Ilya Mechnikov – Nobel Laureate
    The secret to good health lies in the friendly bacteria in
    the intestinal tract.
    Lactobacillus bacteria form a significant part of the natural intestinal
    flora. Large populations of this, and other lactic acid producing
    bacteria, regulate the levels of friendly bacteria and reduce the
    levels of toxic pathogens that cause ill health.
    Lactic acid producing lactobacilli bacteria alter the pH of the large
    intestine, making it inhospitable to undesirable bacteria, moulds,
    mould spores and yeast,particularly Candida.Putrefactive bacteria,
    which are potentially detrimental to good health and increase foul
    wind production,are inhibited by acidic conditions in the colon.
    The presence of active bacteria in the gut can aid the digestive
    process by helping to break down foods.To attain the health benefits
    attributed to Lactobacilli fermented foods, live active bacteria need
    to be consumed on a regular basis.It is believed
    the life span in the human body of these
    cells is 3 to 10 days.Only the active forms
    have the ability to tolerate the acidity of
    the stomach and the alkalinity of the
    intestine to produce health benefits.
    Bacteria counts and their credibility
    There is a lot of confusion in the marketplace in relation to the
    abundance or “count” of bacteria in various probiotic products.
    Many companies are claiming that their products have “billions”
    more bacteria than other products to gain a marketing edge.This is
    very misleading for the consumer and, in reality, is little more than
    sales hype.
    Bacteria live and work in colonies.In scientific terms these colonies
    are called, Colony-Forming Units (CFU’s). Some companies
    intentionally shake the colonies apart, separating the CFU’s, to
    increase the bacteria count of their products, which is misleading
    to consumers.
    The reproduction ability of the bacteria in the gut is the
    single most important factor in a probiotic product.
    The bacteria must be in their natural state and alive so that once
    they arrive in the gut they can multiply and produce all the sub-
    strains necessary to maintain a healthy intestinal flora.
    To ensure that the bacteria are in a natural organic state and have
    not been tampered with or altered in any way it should be certified
    organic. In-Liven has been certified organic by the ACO (Australian
    Certified Organic),Australia’s largest certifying body.
    Common warning signs of a bacterial imbalance
    • Allergies and food sensitivities
    • Difficulty losing weight, sugar/carbohydrate craving
    • Frequent fatigue, poor concentration
    • Frequent constipation or diarrhoea
    • Faulty digestion, acid reflux and other gut disorders
    • Sleeping poorly, night sweats
    • Painful joint inflammation, stiffness
    • Bad breath, gum disease and dental problems
    • Frequent colds, flu or infections
    • Chronic yeast problems
    • Acne, eczema skin and foot fungus
    • Extreme menstrual or menopausal symptoms
    Research has shown that Lactobacilli bacteria:
    • Reduce cholesterol in the blood.
    • Increase nutrient assimilation,including calcium.
    • Reduce high blood pressure.
    • Assist in the elimination of ailments such as colon irritation,
    constipation,diarrhoea and acne.
    • Retard yeast infections.
    • Strengthen the immune system.
    • Manufacture and assimilate B complex vitamins (which include
    niacin,biotin,folic acid,riboflavin and B12).
    • Help digest proteins,carbohydrates and fats.
    • Produce natural anti-bacterial agents (antibiotics).
    • Produce cancer or tumour suppressing compounds.
    • Control the pH or acidity-alkaline levels in the intestines.
    • Reduce unhealthy bacteria in the intestinal tract.
    • Detoxify poisonous materials in the diet.
    • Detoxify hazardous chemicals added to foods,such as nitrates.
    Things that kill bacteria in the body
    Birth control pills
    Steroidal & hormonal drugs
    Carbonated drinks
    Synthetic vitamins
    Stop by the website to read more on this amazing product.

    Wednesday, May 14, 2008

    Mild Revelation

    The other day while riding home from NYC on a New Jersey Transit train, I had an epiphany of sorts, maybe a mild revelation, and then I thought- no. It's not a new idea of any kind, nothing ground-breaking, not the next best thing since sliced bread...and then I thought... again, wait a minute, go back to epiphany, and revelation.
    This was and is.

    I was trying to think of a way I could convince someone to try (who is not already taking it) the probiotic, My-Inliven product. I'm trying not to pitch, it doesn't need pitching, it needs trying, using, experiencing.

    As you know, or maybe you don't, I take it. And, I love it. Now, don't roll your eyes, I don't make it, I sell it. But, I would not have made the choice to sell it with all my heart, had this product and company not delivered. It was enough to get me to eventually quit my nine to five rut, but more on that later.

    I read the accolades on their capture page one day while researching organic products. For anyone that doesn't know what "capture page", or "landing page" means, it's the web-page you're taken to when you do any searching for a product you are, or might be, interested in buying.
    They ask you for your name and email after explaining how a product works, and after explaining its benefits, and their "pitch" they ask for your email, so you can obtain more info on that particular product.

    To make a short story not too long, I sent for more info on the product, liked it, it made perfect sense. I bought it.
    It was fairly expensive. Sixty-five-dollars for a plastic container filled with enough of this greenish powder to get me through a month or so. A month. OK, I figured that equals about two-dollars a day, I can afford that for the potential claims of the product which I've made in prior posts, so I won't go into it here.

    I got it, tried it, it tasted...not very good at all. For me, I was strangely impressed, no sweet "happy" taste, it just tasted of official work.
    It works, better than I imagined it would. I've stated before that no one knows you, better than you. Not even your doctor.
    I'm not preaching to those of you that are committed to the drugs you feel you need, or worse yet, think are helping you.
    I, am committed to helping those who are looking for a different approach, actually, a better shortcut than a pill. People who want to be proactive and attack, rather than be passive and adopt the modern mantra: "They gotta pill for everything".

    I'm telling you with all my heart and happy insides, that this product, and everything this non-pubicly held company sells is stellar!
    I have never felt better in my life! I said before that no one knows you like you. What I mean is, we all know what little things are cropping up in our own bodies. Do you want to see things turn around for the better? I will not mention specifics, because we are all different, but if you want to see changes in your engine like you've never seen before, than just try and make me a false prophet .

    It makes perfect sense to improve things from the inside out. People should read: "The Next Trillion" by Paul Zane Pilzer. It's a great explanation of the alarming health situation in this country. The book was written about seven years-ago, but he was dead-on in his predictions. Here's an excerpt: "As with break throughs in the technology sector, there will be born out of necessity, wellness products, that will turn educated consumers into voracious customers.
    When they begin to respond favorably, they will make decisions that will change his or her entire life. The wellness industry will exceed the $1 trillion health care (sickness) in the next ten-years."
    Now, keep in mind this book was released seven years ago.

    Don't let yourself be a victim in a hospital.
    Educate yourselves to the great products available to you. Don't watch TV for "fixes", that's what the drug companies advertise for.

    If I can help just one person in a positive direction, all the better. But don't take my word for it. Get smarter, and get healthier. Health can't be bought, you either have it or your dead.

    Stay in touch and get in touch! Happy hunting.

    Monday, May 12, 2008

    Death Begins In The Colon

    Mildly Green

    my name's Graham, like the cracker.
    I've been mildly green for quite a few years now. It seems strange to me when people refer to organics as a "movement" as though it is a new type of product.
    I've been a member of a farm coop for a while, but it's nice to see the addition of some organic products in the local supermarket.
    I grow my own squash, cucumbers, radish, and tomatoes in the summer.
    The bigger changes I made this year was quitting my job and getting into selling organic products online.
    I threw all my cleaning products in the trash along with antiperspirants, toothpaste, shaving cream etc.. i have one cleaning product (organic) that does the job of all the others.
    My shaving cream is 70% organic and it's mostly just aloe, wow, a little goes a long way. It's the same with the deodorant, 100% organic, lasts a long time as well.
    Anyway, until this past year, I really wasn't aware of the toxins present, not only in cleaning products, but in everything you use on a daily basis, things you put in your mouth, on skin, your hair.

    It's amazing to me the chemicals present (carcinogenic) in almost everything. Over time, it has to take it's toll. I noticed on the back of a can of antiperspirant, it stated: breathing of contents may be harmful or fatal. It states the same on the back of room air freshener! How insane is that?

    People put way too much faith in the FDA, and all the other federal agencies as well, I mean they're the ones that approve all these products/poisons for our consumption right?

    I've never felt better and been happier about a decision than the one I made last year. This group needs to get much bigger.
    Have fun and be well.

    Thursday, May 8, 2008

    Death Begins In The Colon

    Death Begins In The Colon

    The title was a statement made almost 100-years ago by Nobel Laureate, Ilya Mecknikov in 1908. It was taken from his groundbreaking book “Prolongation Of Life”. He coined the term “probiotic” to describe friendly bacteria.
    His research created a direct link between human longevity and the necessity of maintaining a healthy balance of probiotics in the body.

    Your digestive system is the true engine in your body. When you’re eating healthy foods, a well-conditioned digestive tract distributes good living bacteria throughout your intestines.
    Bacteria are at the base of all life on this planet. They were the first life and they will be the last. Absolutely no living thing on earth can survive without them.
    They support our first line of defense, our immune system. As toxin levels rise in your body due to improper diet, over the counter drugs, prescribed drugs, vaccines, and all kinds of chemicals we’re exposed to on a daily basis, your immune system and other mission critical processes in your body become compromised and begin to fail.
    Warning signs of bacteria imbalance are as follows.

    *Difficulty losing weight sugar/carb cravings
    *Frequent fatigue, poor concentration
    *Frequent constipation, or diarrhea
    *Sleeping poorly, or night sweats
    *Painful joint inflammation and or stiffness
    *Odd fungal growths beneath the toenails
    *Bad breath, gum disease and dental problems.
    *Frequent colds, flu, or infections
    *Chronic yeast problems, candida
    *Acne, eczema, skin fungus
    *Extreme menstrual, or menopausal symptoms
    *Allergies and food sensitivities

    As you can see, the warning signs are all-encompasing and frequently misdiagnosed, which can lead to prescribing a drug to treat the symptom, but not the cause.

    The proprietary strains of probiotics in In-liven have been developed and perfected to deliver their benefits, in spite of interference from toxins.
    In-liven is a certified organic probiotic nutrient saturation formula. It contains a broad spectrum of LIVING nutrients, not isolated synthetic (manmade) nutrients. Twenty-six certified organic living whole foods, 13 lactobacillus bacteria, 18 amino acids, that provide the necessary materials to assist the body’s natural immune system.

    Bacteria produce enzymes that identify, digest and deliver nutrients where they need to go. Your body has tens of trillions of cells, each of which needs 100,000 enzymes to function correctly. It is enzymes that are responsible for every metabolic process in your body.

    If there is a deficit of friendly (probiotic) bacteria in the human gut, then there will be a lack of enzymes.
    Without the enzymes, vital nutrients go unused. The lack of nutrient uptake is at the heart of most disorders of the human body. You can consume the most beneficial foods and nutrients in the world, but if you can’t digest and assimilate them, than everything is lost.

    Here is a list of what kills bacteria in the body.

    *Antibiotics, if you’ve taken them just once in your life, you’ve killed all healthy bacteria and left the negative candida.
    *Birth control pills
    *Steroidal/hormonal drugs
    *Fluoride, abundant in drinking water and toothpaste.
    *Chlorine, drinking water from tap.
    *Carbonated drinks
    *Man-made vitamins
    *Synthetic ascorbic acid
    *Stress (big killer)

    By certain ages and varying health factors, most of us have lost our ability to digest nutrients. Without the probiotic bacteria to produce enzymes we lose the ability for building and repair of the body. The environment goes from naturally alkaline, to acidic, creating a dangerous breakdown of the immune system.
    It is a fact that disease, including cancer, begins within an acidic environment. Don’t ignore warning signs, you know your own body. Why wait until you’re sick? Be proactive and help your body help you.

    When taken daily, In-liven saturates the body in naturally occurring amino acids. Amino acids also provide the building blocks for most of the hormones, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and other information chemicals that regulate and control all communication in every cell of our body.

    The strongest bacteria will always kill the weaker ones. Further, bacteria compete for food sources. So if you are taking probiotic supplements that contain (if any) one, two, or even four lactobacillus, and no food source with it, then these new bacteria will only deplete good and bad bacteria as they compete to survive.
    It’s like going of on a long hiking and camping trip with no tent, tools, or food.
    It is crucial to supply all 13 key lactobacillus members along with the foods they like to eat. Think about how much sense this makes.
    Then they work in harmony as a powerful unit to balance the populations of pathogenic (harmful) bacteria in the body.

    The In-Liven supplemental bacterium work synergistically to manufacture over 6,000 additional substrains of healthful bacteria that work in your body. Without this proper balance of bacteria, all manner of physical disease manifests itself. The body has a fantastic ability to heal itself, friendly bacteria prolong a healthy life.

    Read more about In-Liven at the website. Thank you for reading, and good luck with your new body!


    Wednesday, May 7, 2008

    Going, Going, Gone...

    Do you feel "older" than you are? Are you having trouble losing weight? Do you suffer from allergies, nervous tension, and general lack of energy?
    Remember, a tree doesn't die overnight, it's a slow, progressive, degenerative process. You know what you eat, drink, and put on your body. But, do you truly know? Do you really care? Or, do you just assume if it's on the shelf in your local grocery store that it must be safe?
    Do you figure as long as you're not too sick, it's just age catching up with you?

    Pain is the culmination of long-term under nutrition, inactivity, and the end result is the body's way of telling you it's having trouble with your habits.
    Chemicals are present in all processed foods, clothing and beauty products. Don't take my word for it, go take a TV dinner out of the freezer and read some of the ingredients. Can you pronounce everything? Get a can of room air-freshener. There's a warning that tells you: "Breathing ingredients can be harmful or fatal." The same warning is on the label of your antiperspirant.
    I could go on, but the list is endless. We tend to overlook what is so familiar, but the end result is sickness. The form of sickness is irrelevant but inevitable. I could not tell you what type of illness to expect, no one can, certainly not the producers of these products.

    Pharmaceuticals are another issue, deadly as well. But again, the list is too long to go into right now. Anything man-made (synthetic) it's safe to assume, can't be safe.

    Lack of knowledge about how your body functions and ignoring its needs are major contributing factors to ill-health.
    Identify and investigate disorders such as digestion, insomnia, lack of energy, allergies, or any other suspected health problems. No one knows you like you. Take control, and don't assume everything is ok, or worse, HOPE that it is.

    The Future:

    Envision yourself on your back in the hospital and your doctor looking back at you. You look at him for answers and you trust he'll see you through this.
    Could it be the removal of a toe or foot do to diabetes? Maybe there's a malignant tumor attached to a major organ and you wonder how it got there.
    All of these questions lead to the same answer as you lie there. You're a stranger to this entire situation, you try to understand why you did nothing when you had the chance.
    Your doctor told you to get some exercise, lose weight, eat right, and educate yourself to proper nutrition. You wish you did something before he had to say anything. You knew something was wrong long ago, but instead, worse, you did nothing.

    If you don't have your health, then what else matters? Your body can take a lot of abuse. Think about what it can do for you if you just make small changes now. There's time to turn the tide in your favor. Do just one positive thing for yourself today, and your body will let you live for it.

    Look at the alternatives and make the changes now.
    Good luck!

    Monday, May 5, 2008

    My Mother's Last Days

    My Mother

    On September 6th 2007 my mom passed away not even one month into her 80th Birthday. She was diagnosed with colon cancer in late April of last year during the first physical examination of her life. My father had been after her for years to go and get a check up as he did once a year. My mom always refused. She lived a healthy lifestyle, took vitamins, ate right and was never sick that I can remember. She was active but never got regular exercise like my dad. I also found out for the first time (after she passed) that she was constipated her entire life. My father told me this, through the years I had noticed Metamucil and other digestion remedies, but I never put any of that together.

    The physician who had examined her, scheduled surgery for approximately a week after she’d been diagnosed. She went home and immediately began complaining of pain in her abdomen. She became bloated and very nauseas. She had been the one that had gone to my father and asked him to see if he’d arrange an appointment for a physical. Of course he was mildly shocked as he’d never been able to get her to go in the past. He asked her if she felt ok, she said she did, but he wasn’t really buying it.

    After the diagnosis was confirmed they were stunned and very afraid. But when she was getting worse so soon after her physical he was terrified, remember, this was the woman he’d been married to for fifty-one-years, and the mother of their four children.

    In recent years she’d seemed to have gotten frailer, a little quieter, and strangely thinner. When I’d questioned her about losing weight she said she hadn’t been trying to. All these years had come down to such a short period of time.

    She collapsed in the living room and my dad called 911. She was rushed into emergency surgery and the cancerous tumor was removed from her large intestines. A few days later she was home and resting. They called us one at a time and explained the ordeal. My mom called my dad her “hero”. They have a house down on the west coast of Florida. As she got better, they went for long walks on the beach and watched the sun set together.

    My dad sent us pictures of the two of them down there, so happy my mom got a second chance.

    After her operation, my father talked with another doctor who was skilled in treating cancer and suggesting proper therapy. They talked of chemotherapy and the doctor handed him a paper she’d printed out on the computer.

    It stated that anyone 80-years, and older, would not be treated with chemotherapy as it would be too powerful a drug for them to survive.

    Anyway, she was given a good chance at a full recovery as the doctors had said it appeared the cancer had not spread.

    About a month later my dad called and said my mom had taken a turn for the worse, she was not responding well to her latest chemo treatment.

    Of course I was shocked and asked why she was on chemo anyway. He said the same doctor who had decided not to treat her thought it might be a good idea to try it because she was healing so amazingly well as she put it.

    They started her on an oral form of treatment initially, and then progressed to a more aggressive “drip” procedure. My father told me there was a large room at the treatment center that contained a bank of what looked like “barber chairs” to him. They were lined along the walls, about twenty-chairs in all. Every chair was occupied, each person receiving metered dosages of the powerful systemic drug.

    The session lasted three-hours, and cost eight-thousand dollars. Luckily my folks had a very comprehensive health plan.

    After a few of these expensive treatments my mom began to suffer from severe diarrhea and dehydration. My father went on-line and looked up her treatment, finding that diarrhea, and dehydration, could be extreme side effects of her form of treatment. He was never informed of this by the doctor or attending staff. Just simply, “she may feel a little nausea” and he was given a prescription for some pills to ease her discomfort.

    Again she collapsed but begged him not to take her back to the hospital. He called 911, as she had soon fainted.

    I talked with her a few days later and she told me that nothing seemed to be working. That was so unlike my mom who was such a fighter, and the ultimate optimist. Three days later she was gone, late in the afternoon of September 6th, the same day as my daughter’s Birthday. My dad was at her side holding her hand as she slipped away.

    We flew out the next morning to be with him and get my mom’s affairs in order. It was the most surreal and sad moment of my entire life. My father spent an entire day calling relatives, and close friends of theirs to inform them of her passing, each call, the poor man cried his heart out, but he went on about the business of his sudden loss.

    I realized then and there, that my poor mom died of ill-advised treatment, and not from the cancer. She was a customer not a patient. My mom’s mother, our grandmother, is 105-years-old, and she’s still living. She doesn’t, and never will know, of her daughter’s passing. I made a decision to learn of proper nutrition down to the details. If I can preserve my health and not have to enter a hospital for the rest of my life, then that’s what I’m going to do. My sister decided to go back to school and become a nurse. She feels that people are shuffled and processed like cattle in hospitals. It’s because of the system that has been put in place by this federal government, big pharma, and the insurance companies.

    I’ve gone into business for myself selling organic products and supplements. One of these products is a digestive super food called: Mi-inliven probiotics. I’ve written about this before and I won’t stop. My biggest regret is not doing this just a year sooner. I could have been there for my mom and known better than to have her take that killer chemotherapy. Don’t look to your government or the FDA for answers, certainly not for your health. Find out for yourselves. Don’t shop for drugs by watching commercials on television. That’s what they want…you asking your doctor if this drug’s right for you. It isn’t, they’re synthetic poison that can sicken or kill you. Get informed, and don’t let yourself get sick before you do something. Without your health what does anything else matter? Health is your MOST valuable asset and it’s so easy to do the right thing for your body. Please don’t end up in the hospital. Thanks for reading and I hope I can make just one person help themselves. I won’t stop until I do.


    Friday, May 2, 2008

    Terror Hypocrisy?

    Drug giant Merck has been caught in a scheme to deceive the public over the integrity of its scientific studies, say top medical authorities. According to reports that were (amazingly!) published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and detailed in the Washington Post, Merck waged a "campaign of deception" to disguise its in-house study authors as independent scientists working for universities. This scheme made the studies appear independent and unbiased, allowing them to carry more apparent credibility to FDA officials, doctors and other scientists.

    This fraud was conducted to boost the apparent scientific credibility of the studies backing Vioxx, a drug that has caused well over 100,000 heart attacks and likely killed well over 50,000 Americans, according to Senate testimony by the FDA's own senior drug safety researcher Dr. David Graham. Vioxx earned Merck $2.3 billion in 2003 alone, and was one of the most lucrative drugs ever sold by any company. But since 2004, when some of the real dangers of the drug became known, a tremendous amount of evidence leading to fraud has surfaced.

    It now appears quite clear that Merck deliberately lied about the dangers of the drug, misrepresented the results of scientific studies, deceived the FDA to win drug approval, knowingly covered up evidence of the drug's dangers, and now it seems Merck even conducted a deliberate campaign of deceptive ghostwriting designed to attach independent-sounding names to in-house studies that were essentially pro-Vioxx promotional pieces disguised as scientific reports.

    What's interesting about this latest revelation of Merck fraud is that the documents revealing the depth of this fraud were only made public due to lawsuits filed by citizens who claim they were harmed by Merck's drugs. And yet at the same time, Merck and the FDA are arguing that such lawsuits should not be allowed at all -- that they should be "preempted" by FDA approval for drugs, thereby keeping Merck's dirty secrets buried forever, even as consumers harmed by Merck's drugs are denied any right to sue for damages caused by such drugs!

    It is now rather obvious why drug companies like Merck so desperately want immunity from lawsuits -- because the "discovery" phase of these lawsuits is causing Merck's dirty science to be publicly aired! It's allowing the public to have a peek at the skeletons in Merck's closet. Merck no doubt wants its secrets to remain secret so that nobody is really aware of the scientific fraud we're now learning so much about. I wonder what else is Merck hiding that it doesn't want to become public knowledge?

    Shouldn't Merck be brought to justice?
    Now, I have an important question to ask you. Given the magnitude of the scientific fraud being discovered about Merck, and the number of people who have reportedly been killed by Merck's products, why does Merck still manage to escape any real scrutiny from the Dept. of Justice and the FDA? Why does Merck seem to have an unlimited "get out of jail free" pass from the U.S. government? Even while it's arguing for immunity from public lawsuits, it seems Merck has already achieved a silent, practical immunity from U.S. government regulators and law enforcers.

    Can you think of any other corporation that, if caught engaging in widespread fraud that resulted in the death of over 50,000 Americans, wouldn't be hung out to dry by Congressional investigations and Justice Dept. arrests? It is flatly unbelievable to me that a corporation engaged in such massive campaigns of deception and death could be allowed to continue conducting business as usual in the United States. It's far worse than what Enron engaged in. We're not talking about simple white-collar crimes here; we're talking about an ever-expanding collection of body bags, corruption, bribery, secret payoffs, science fraud and, in my opinion, crimes against humanity. And yet the mainstream media keeps on running Merck's deceptive ads, holding their noses while they pocket Merck's illegitimately-earned cash.

    When individuals commit fraud and engage in deceptive practices that result in the deaths of other people, we charge them with crimes: Involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide or even murder. So why, then, does a powerful corporation get to go free for committing essentially the same crimes?

    In other words, shouldn't corporations be held to the same laws as the People? Why, in our nation, are individuals charged with murder or manslaughter when they kill people, but corporations are allowed to kill any number of people with absolutely no consequence? They are not arrested, not charged with crimes and not prosecuted. And on top of that, they have the audacity to argue that they should be granted legal immunity from ALL lawsuits that might be filed by the people their products harm or kill!

    I believe that law enforcement authorities in America have the responsibility to arrest top Merck executives, seize Merck's inventory, and deny Merck the right to conduct any further business in this nation by cancelling its corporate charter. I believe Merck is engaged in serious crimes against the People and that its business practices are clearly being conducted in violation of federal law (not to mention in violation of basic business ethics and human compassion). If this was any other corporation we were talking about here -- and not Merck -- this company would be subjected to a massive campaign of media scrutiny and Congressional scrutiny. But not Merck. It's too powerful, too influential.

    Rich, powerful white-collar criminals get away with murder, while the poor, the disadvantaged and the sick get shafted, and get dead.

    By all rights, shouldn't Merck be put out of business, shut down by law enforcement authorities who finally decide to apply existing federal law and prosecute this dangerous, destructive corporation for its organized-crime-like operations? Americans would be far safer if Merck were shut down. In fact, the threat to Americans' health from Merck far outweighs any threat to national security by terrorists. Think about it: The current war in Iraq has killed 4,000 Americans. Just one drug from Merck has killed over 50,000 (and that's a conservative estimate). That's more than ten times the number of Americans killed in our current war! The real scary part is that Merck is just ONE of many drug companies that the ridiculous FDA allows to conduct their own in-house studies.

    Is Merck a terrorist organization? No, it's a dishonest, corrupt corporation that pretends to be engaged in good deeds and genuine science. But if you peek behind the curtain, you find nothing but fraud, deception, and the complete disregard for human life. Merck isn't a terrorist organization, but it's killed far more Americans than any terrorist organization could. Even a dirty bomb set off at the Superbowl (which was one of the FBI's recent terrorist concerns) wouldn't kill as many Americans as Merck's drugs have in the last five years. That's no exaggeration.

    Merck is an evil, out-of-control corporation that's destroying lives and obliterating any remaining credibility of the pharmaceutical industry. One day, when the truth finally emerges about the totality of Merck's crimes against the People and the depth of its willful deception, the public will be frozen in a state of disbelief that they could have tolerated such crimes. They will think the same thoughts of Nazi supporters seeing Hitler's concentration camps for the first time... How could we have allowed this to happen right here, on our own soil? To our own children? To our own families?

    If these crimes ever get prosecuted in an organized way you will see that payoffs go deep into the federal government and its agencies including the FDA.
    Why don't we ever hear about this stuff on national news networks? Is it because the media is corporate owned?
    When do these bloodsuckers finally get exposed for real?

    Parts of this story courtesy of: Mike Adams

    Thanks for reading,

    Thursday, May 1, 2008

    A Report At 45 Days

    As stated in a previous article I started taking the Inliven Probiotic super-food a little over a month ago. I've lost six-pounds which surprised me because I wasn't trying to lose it.
    My right toe was inflamed for some reason. I had dropped a table-vice on it about eight years-ago and it wasn't broken but it did swell and the nail became permanently discolored.
    After two weeks the toe was back to normal, the nail has completely cleared up. My skin has a great glow to it as my girlfriend says.
    I feel fantastic and things will only get better because my digestive system is working so well. It's like running your car on super high-test.

    There are many little things as well that seem to be improving. I mean, no one knows their body as well as the body's owner, and I won't bore you with details. It's amazing what your body is capable of when you feed it the correct fuel. Couple this product with organic food and it's relatively simple to heal your body from the inside out. It's nothing short of amazing!

    I have a friend of mine who has purchased the Inliven product for her husband who has been diagnosed with a reoccurrence of a difficult skin-cancer. She does not want him to repeat chemotherapy as it really did nothing more than almost kill him.
    I will follow this very carefully and let everyone know how he responds. I never suggested this to them I want you to know. They just want to try alternatives to current treatment, and these simply aren't offered in our healthcare system. Currently he feels great but he wants to try and ensure, and fortify his immune system and can't find anything more effective than a natural, organic approach.
    Thanks for reading and best health to you all.